42g milk
4g yeast
500g ap flour
80g cream cheese
82g sugar + 60g
3g salt
100g butter(melted) + 40g
60g eggs
83g yolks
44g buttermilk
30g lillet
12g cinnamon sticks
40g dark brown sugar
Place everything except the cinnamon, brown sugar and separate sugar and butter into a bowl and mix until it forms a loose dough. Shape the dough into a ball, cover the bowl with plastic, and let it sit out for 4 hours. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours, or up to 3 days, freeze if you want to wait longer. Blend the cinnamon with the reserve sugar until everything is powdery. Mix the powder with the brown sugar. Place the dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll into a rectangle of 1/2cm thickness. Warm the reserve butter so that it is easy to spread and evenly distribute it across the rectangle. Do the same with the sugar-cinnamon mixture, minus the warming. Roll the longer side of the rectangle away from you until the two longer sides meet. Cut out 3cm disks, place the disks into a baking dish that leaves room for expansion between the buns, and then cover the dish with plastic wrap.
You can slow the fermentation process by keeping this in the fridge for up to 48 hours, or you can speed the final fermentation by not refrigerating at all. Out the the fridge will take longer, but regardless, you want them to almost double in size at room temperature, about 2 hours. Bake at 350F uncovered, with steam to start, (I throw several large ice blocks on to a tray that I preheat on the base of the oven) for 16 minutes. They should just barely start to brown on top.
Plate it up!
My icing was just milk and powdered sugar, it was alright. The bun is amazing.
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