700g cabbage, thinly sliced
210g water
14g salt
5g garlic, thinly sliced
1g black pepper, freshly ground
Place a bowl that fits snuggly into the bowl holding the cabbage, directly on top of the cabbage. Place a weight in the top bowl so that some of the brine is displaced upwards. You want the brine to come up a few inches below the rim of the bowl, with the cabbage being left a few inches below that. It should look like this:
The bottom bowl holds the cabbage, with the top bowl pressing down hard. This forces the brine above the cabbage, protecting the cabbage from the air and only allowing a small amount of brine in contact with oxygen.
Let this contraption sit out for 4 days at 75F-85F(temperature is important for the speed and type of fermentation that will occur), checking on it every other day. You do not need to stir during this process, just make sure it doesn't look spoiled. After 4 days, and as long as no mold has grown and the brine hasn't thickened into a gloopy mess(if that happens or anything else happens that makes it look like you shouldn't eat it something has gone wrong, but I've done this method many times(not just with cabbage) and never had a problem), taste the sauerkraut and decide if you want it more acidic. If you do, let it sit out longer, it will keep fermenting. If you like where it is, transfer to a fridge friendly container and place it next to the milk.
The finished product
I've eaten some of this stuff 10 months after making it, and I would bet that it could last much longer.
I love tasty preservation.
Adam When will you make sauerkraut pierogi?
Pierogi dough will have to be a post soon... and I'm sure i'll make some stuffed with sauerkraut.
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